It maybe that you can keep Ubuntu Remix for just now and go down the LXDE or LXQT route. You did not need to stick with one Desktop Environment, you could choose another Desktop Environment or Windows Manager. Lubuntu is said to run fine with 512 MB of RAM." You may also consider a version of Ubuntu running an alternate desktop environment requiring less RAM, such as Lubuntu or Xubuntu. According to the Ubuntu wiki, Ubuntu requires a minimum of 1024 MB of RAM, but 2048 MB is recommended for daily use.

Did you run Unity? "How much memory do you need to use Ubuntu?Recommended. This means that this is not an official Ubuntu project.". First you need to understand that Ubuntu Remix is not an official Canonical issue "Ubuntu Mini Remix is an idea by Fabrizio Balliano and is not recognized, supported or sponsored in any way by Ubuntu and Canonical.